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Bariatric Surgery


At Advanced Surgeons, we specialize in performing the safest and most effective forms of weight loss surgery. With so many options available, how do you know which is the right one for you? Before diving into the procedures themselves, it’s important to educate yourself on some crucial concepts regarding weight-loss surgery. Take a look at these important terms you will likely come across often in your research.

Open vs. Laparoscopic

Most bariatric surgery procedures are done laparoscopically. This means that surgeons use small incisions, small tools and a camera known as a laparoscope. The tools and camera are inserted into the abdominal cavity, and the camera is attached to a video monitor so the surgeon can see the surgical site. The alternative is an open procedure. Surgeons will make a large incision down the abdomen and expose the area that will be operated on.

Laparoscopic surgery—sometimes known as minimally invasive bariatric surgery—has a number of advantages over open surgery, including:

  • Less chance of infection
  • Lower rate of complications
  • Shorter recovery time

Malabsorptive vs. Restrictive

Another pair of terms you may come across in your research into the best weight loss surgery for you is malabsorptive and restrictive. Bariatric surgery procedures can be divided into these two types (and some, like the sleeve gastrectomy or biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal shift, are both).

Malabsorptive procedures such as a gastric bypass prevent the body from absorbing calories, while restrictive procedures like an adjustable gastric band limit the size of the stomach and the amount of food that can be comfortably eaten.

What We Offer

At Advanced Surgeons, we have decades of combined experience offering the safest and most effective weight-loss surgery procedures, including:

Sleeve gastrectomy — The most commonly performed weight-loss procedure in the U.S., the sleeve gastrectomy is both restrictive and malabsorptive. A gastric sleeve involves removing 80 to 85 percent of the stomach. Not only can the stomach hold less food, but production of hormones that signal hunger drop drastically.

Roux-en-Y gastric bypass — This procedure is one of the best established and most effective weight-loss surgeries available. It is both restrictive and malabsoptive. First, a small pouch is created out of the stomach. Then, the pouch is rerouted to connect to the small intestine, bypassing a large portion of the gastrointestinal tract and preventing the body from absorbing calories.

Gastric balloon — The gastric balloon procedure is the least invasive type of weight-loss procedure; there’s no surgery necessary. Patients swallow capsules that contain balloons, which are then inflated via a tube. The balloons take up space in the stomach, discouraging patients from overeating.

Biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch (BPD/DS) — This procedure combines the best of the sleeve gastrectomy and gastric bypass. A large portion of the stomach is removed and then connected to the small intestines. This reduces hunger-signaling hormones, discourages overeating and prevents calorie absorption.

Adjustable gastric band — Aside from the gastric balloon, the adjustable gastric band procedure is the most easily reversible. A band is attached to the stomach and inflated by a silicone pump, effectively dividing the stomach into a temporary pouch. The band can be removed by a simple procedure.

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